How to Roast A Whole Chicken

This is an easy way to get your chicken cooked through so you can cut it up for meal prep. A lot of times we will cut the meat off the bone, then shred it for meals. We use the carcass to make chicken stock afterward. Here are our tips for roasting a Shady Hill chicken whole!

Preparing the meat:

If your chicken is frozen, then it will need 2-3 days to thaw. The time depends on the weight and your fridge. Avoid using the microwave to thaw meat.

  1. Get your chicken out of the package. Here is a quick video on how we do this and avoid the liquid purge from leaking on the counter.


  1. A whole Shady Hill pasture-raised chicken

  2. Salt

  3. Pepper

Cooking Instructions:

The Chicken:

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F

  2. Place

  3. Place the whole chicken on an oven-safe baking sheet, then season with salt and pepper.

  4. Roast the whole chicken for 50 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees F. Check the internal temperature at 30 minutes.


  • If you are cutting the meat off the carcass for future meals, note that the skin may not stay as crispy once it is put in your fridge.

  • Put any seasoning your heart desires on this chicken or keep it simple with salt and pepper.

Reserve your local, pasture-raised chicken today! $4/LB

Pasture-Raised Whole Chicken- $15 Deposit per Chicken ($5/lb)

Chicken Pinwheels